Some ScA may cause suppurative inflammation of many tissues and organs such as skin, mucous membrane and lung. 其临床表现多种多样,除主要表现为可引起皮肤、粘膜、肺脏等多种组织器官的化脓性炎症外;
With the histopathology examination, the pathologic change of lung tissue seem by naked eyes was a focal suppurative inflammation ( abscess) under microscope. 病理组织学检查,肉眼见到的肺组织病变镜检为局灶性化脓性炎症(脓肿),其他组织未见病理性改变。
Cecal diverticulum complicating suppurative inflammation: a case report 盲肠憩室并发化脓性炎症1例
Pathological changes: In the Group B, the main pathological changes were acute suppurative inflammation after two weeks, and chronic inflammation with hyperblastosis of granulation and fibroplasias after four weeks. 病理学检查:B组术后2周局部组织以急性化脓性炎症为主,4周时以肉芽组织增生和纤维组织形成的慢性炎症反应为主;
Method: Forty cases ( 46 sides of sick maxillary sinus) with polyp or cyst or chronic suppurative inflammation were treated by maxillary sinus endoscopy through nasal vestibule. 方法:采用鼻前庭径路鼻内窥镜上颌窦手术治疗鼻息肉、囊肿、慢性化脓性鼻窦炎40例、46侧病变窦腔。